Erykah Badu:

“Laura is tapped into something very special…sacred geometry and the 5 Platonic Solids. These beautiful sculptures or functional art are actually primal models of crystal patterns that occur in countless forms of minerals throughout creation. The stuff we are all made of: elements. I use them in the vibrational work I do through music, as a visual of the beauty we can find in our possibilities. These carefully engineered pieces are capable of triggering neurological pattern changes or even help balance the way we think and move emotionally. It’s US broken down to simplest form. It the Sacred Geometry that makes up our world, minds, bodies and spirits. She’s a healer.”


Amanda Joy Ravenhill, Director of The Buckminster Fuller Institute:

“Laura Wass is a nature-inspired artist. She uses the fractal principles found from the atomic to the galactic to create art that inspires. She is a design wizard, occupying the full stack from concept to compost. Most famous for her design work with WXYZ, Wass also is an inventor, strategist, playwright, and musician. In the face of an increasingly uncertain and volatile future, Wass uses art and design to reorient people to nature's principles so that we may all awaken to new possibilities. She works to apply her highest self for the service of all life forever and it's contagious, which is just what we all need. It is a complete delight to see her in her element creating systems-oriented art for a new future for 100% of humanity.”